Monday, December 17, 2007

The 12 Things I Love About Christmas Time

This is such a joyous, yet rushed season. This year we had the day I've always dreamt of. We put the tree up with the boys, decorated the house, listened to Christmas music & watched Christmas movies, S.Jessen went out in the snow for the first time, and Tate got to bake Christmas cookies for the first time (with S.Jessen and myself of course)!

I thought I would take a few moments (or hours) to share the 12 things I love about Christmas time. I had planned to do this on the 13th, but that came and went so here it is better late than never.

1. The Nativity (It wouldn't be Christ-mas without it)

2. The birth of our son, Tater (he'll be 2 on the 20th)

3. The birth of my mom (50 something on the 23rd) and my parents' anniversary (36 yrs on the 18th)
4. The birth of my brother Adam (he'll be 19 on the 27th)
5. Getting the Christmas tree ready and taking pictures in Christmas jammies under it

6. Baking Christmas cookies

7. Playing in the snow

8. Christmas decorations/music/movies

9. Santa pics

10. Christmas trains under the tree
11. Snow globes

12. Togetherness

Tate's bib says, "Are these people really my relatives?"
I hope you all have things you can take a moment and enjoy during this season. I feel truly blessed with all my "things" and enjoy sharing the true meaning of Christmas with our "happy fanily."


jenni said...

What a great list!!! I agree, the togetherness at this time of year is the best. I am also trying to soak up everything right now with my kids and the great ages they are at. Time is going much to fast. Also, I love your nativity scene, it is the one I want!!

Anonymous said...

So, I'm pretty slow in reading. Christmas is such a busy time for our family, isn't it?But we love every minute of it.The pics are wonderful.Thanks for the updates.They are wonderful.Love you, Granny