Thursday, July 5, 2007

July 4th

We had July 4th at our house this year with some friends from Roger's work. Roger had to work Thursday and Friday so it didn't make sense for us to drive 3 hours and come back in one day. It was a nice time. We enjoyed the outdoor weather AND the air conditioning when we came back in :)

When we were getting ready to eat on the patio, S.Jessen asked if it was his birthday. I told him it was America's birthday and we were having a party. He probably wondered as the only time we have enough people for two tables is birthday parties.

After everybody left we drove to the park. It really did get hot, but for those of you who have never been to our house, it is less than a block and a half away. It was just too hot to walk! S.Jessen wanted to show Daddy how brave he is at going down the big slide all by himself now. Of course Tater had to teach him how to do it. I was proud because we never made him go down (he'd go with us, but not on his own) and now he's ready to do it alone and feels so proud that he was "brave." S.Jessen also likes to give Tate pushes on the swing so we did that too. It was a good day. I hope everyone else had fun. We sure missed everybody.

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