Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christmas at our House

Yes, it is half way through January and I am now making time to give Christmas updates. We had such a busy Christmas this year, that I just haven't had the energy! This was the first year that Santa came to our house... that we understood anyway. S.Jessen was so funny because, we had to wait in Tate's room while Daddy brushed teeth etc..., and he didn't understand why we couldn't go into the living room. Then he said, "Mommy, I'm thinking of someping..." I asked him what he was thinking about and he said, "I think Santa came to our house!" After Mommy and Daddy were both ready, we let them out and the picture of their faces running in was priceless and worth all the effort of endless shopping days and wrapping late at night! They were so sweet and liked everything! It was a storybook Christmas at our house :)

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